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How to Register for a Membership

Started by Senkusha, Friday, January 24, 2025, 20:05

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Anime Goddess
Posts: 74
Life's an Adventure. Go LIVE it!
Location: Boston, MA, ASS

Total Badges: 14
The Kawaii Klub is an exclusive club for high school girls and boys of the anime persuasion.  Meaning, most of the fictional characters here, will probably be high school students.  You, as a real, living and breathing person, may be any age, and we welcome you with open arms!

In an effort to combat spam bots and other automated systems that constantly bombard our club, we've instituted an invitation system.  Meaning, you must have a specific key in order to successfully register for an account here.  These keys are completely free of charge, the only stipulation is that somebody within the club has to know you.  There are many options available for getting an invitation key.  I will outline them below for you.  Simply pick the method that is most convenient for you.

  • Request an invitation key by [emailing the Administrator] directly.  You may ask for an initial invitation key via [email] at any time.  Be prepared to answer some questions, like where does the Almighty Goddess of the Cobwebs know you from?  What anime do you like?  Do you know how to role play?  Have you ever Played by Post (PbP)?  Things like that.  But because there are spam bots crawling all over the Interwebs, you need to manually add the Administrator's Member Name to the email address, so replace the token username with her screen name (found just to the left of this message, here on the website.  It's super easy, and she'll get back to you usually within 24 hours.  She's a working girl, after all.
  • The Site Administrator also has a number of other social media profiles.  They include [Substack], [Patreon], [Ko-Fi], [BlueSky], [DeviantArt], [FanFiction.net], and probably a few others that this person has forgotten.  If you don't know what her socials are, there's a good chance you don't know her all that well.  Pity.  We'll have to fix that.
  • There's also the [Contacts Page Request Form] that you can fill out, even if you don't know the Site Administrator Personally, or any of her imaginary friends yet.  Be sure to use your real email address, so she can banter back and forth with you-- only to ensure you're not a SPAMMER or trying to scam her out of the pathetic tiny bit of spare change she has left at the end of each month.
  • You could also pester one of the Grand Mistress's friends -- oh, but she doesn't really have too many of those just yet.  But if you are a friend of hers, perhaps you could call her?  Honestly, texting is better.  Often, she ignores her phone because usually she's at work and isn't allowed to answer her phone while working, or because it's usually a scammer or bill collector trying to harass her, and she's really tight on money for a variety of reasons, that mostly boil down to just living in the Assimilated Slavery States of America.
  • There's always just tapping her on the shoulder, especially while she's at work.  After all, she's usually just spouting off random UPC numbers or fumbling with her keys to silence a cash register alarm.  Nothing too important.
  • If you know somebody who is already a member of the Kawaii Klub, you could just ask them for an invitation key, or maybe they could Direct Message (PM) the Webmistress of High on your behalf?  But I guess that depends on how good of a friend you're considered.  When was the last time you offered your poor friend a foot massage anyway?
  • There's the Discord Server too.  That's also free, by the way, and you're likely to eventually get an answer-- usually within a week's time, because it seems the only time Master Admin has time to get on Discord is during her two days off from work.

So now that you've got this awesome invitation code, it's time to sign up for an account.  Like what are you waiting for?  The return of a godhead or something?. 

2025-01-24 19_17_01-Registration Form.png
Anyway, you're going to want to pick your user name.  This won't necessarily be the name that people will see, you can change that later. 

You have to have an email address that's valid!  Eventually, we're going to relax the registration process and allow email activations, so you don't need to wait for her Royal HighAssness to manually approve your account.

Choose your password.  It has to be somewhat decent.  No, you cannot use 12345.  Besides, nobody's interested in your underwear that you've forgotten to unpack after your last vacation to Cancun.  Type your password in again, exactly as before.

Answer the question if you want to be harassed by the Goddess for important messages and notifications.

Finally, you'll provide your cherished Invitation Key.  All of this crap was required, so don't try to skip anything there, okay, buddy?

You also have some optional information that you can add right now.  Although, we're not really all that picky about it.  There's also a Captcha check.  That's pretty simple, and the Administrator was an idiot and forgot to disable it.  We don't need it right now.

Anyway, after you register, you'll want to head over to your profile, which can be found in the upper left hand corner of the browser window.
2025-01-24 20_04_36-Profile of Senkusha — Mozilla Firefox.png

From there, you can click on Forum Profile and fill out the various entry areas to give your Profile a more comfortable feel, and let your future friends get to know you ahead of time!
Pioneering the bizarre forfreakingever...


Anime Goddess
Posts: 74
Life's an Adventure. Go LIVE it!
Location: Boston, MA, ASS

Total Badges: 14

Because the Invitation System has an issue with sending E-mail notifications, I've disabled it.  I've enabled a couple of question that a fan of either role playing games or anime should be able to answer.

2025-02-13 17_37_34-Registration Form.png
The answers to these questions should be obvious:
RPG and Japan.
Pioneering the bizarre forfreakingever...