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Mihoshi's Galactic Evidence Report / Another Busy Weekend!
Last post by Senkusha - Friday, February 14, 2025, 21:30Although it doesn't seem like a whole lot was improved upon, I was very busy at work updating the site.
First thing's first, the Invitation System has been deactivated because the email wasn't sending the key to the recipient. I have opted to use two very basic questions (answers found in the READ ME topic linked on the Welcome page) that will hopefully weed out most spammers.
I've been super busy giving the board dedicated icons for the anime and role playing games. You'll also notice that Guests only will boards that have topics in them, meaning any empty boards, just itching for content will remain hidden from the public. I haven' automated this process just yet, so when a new topic is created, it will still be visible to all logged in members, but guests and search engines won't see these posts until I enable guests to see the affected Boards.
Speaking of boards, I've expanded the number of anime that's listed on the site, and over the next couple of weeks, I hope to add topics to each board. Thinking about what a daunting task this is, considering I haven't seen some of this anime in years... boy oh boy! I've got some busy weekends coming up!
I've added some birthdays for some anime characters to the site calendar, along with this addition, I've begun the process of writing the code to separate the different types of Events listed on the Board Index. Be expecting this change within the next month.
I think that's everything, and thinking about this post, I may have duplicated some of the update news from last night as well. I honestly don't remember. It's been a long day! Anyway, have fun!
First thing's first, the Invitation System has been deactivated because the email wasn't sending the key to the recipient. I have opted to use two very basic questions (answers found in the READ ME topic linked on the Welcome page) that will hopefully weed out most spammers.
I've been super busy giving the board dedicated icons for the anime and role playing games. You'll also notice that Guests only will boards that have topics in them, meaning any empty boards, just itching for content will remain hidden from the public. I haven' automated this process just yet, so when a new topic is created, it will still be visible to all logged in members, but guests and search engines won't see these posts until I enable guests to see the affected Boards.
Speaking of boards, I've expanded the number of anime that's listed on the site, and over the next couple of weeks, I hope to add topics to each board. Thinking about what a daunting task this is, considering I haven't seen some of this anime in years... boy oh boy! I've got some busy weekends coming up!
I've added some birthdays for some anime characters to the site calendar, along with this addition, I've begun the process of writing the code to separate the different types of Events listed on the Board Index. Be expecting this change within the next month.
I think that's everything, and thinking about this post, I may have duplicated some of the update news from last night as well. I honestly don't remember. It's been a long day! Anyway, have fun!
Ah! My Goddess / What If A Different Goddess An...
Last post by Senkusha - Friday, February 14, 2025, 20:55So, I had an interesting thought, that what if instead of Belldandy answering the Goddess Help line, and another goddess, or one of her siblings, Urd / Skuld, answered his request. What do you think would happen when he made his wish: "I wish for a Goddess like you to be by my side forever." (I hope I got that exact!)
Taking just a peek at some of the possibilities:
Urd: Keiichi would become an alcoholic.
Skuld: I honestly don't see this one happening, simply because Skuld is so young when Keiichi first meets her, but just going with the prank, I'd say that Keiichi and Skuld might actually make a terrifyingly awesome tech team. With combining Keiichi's love of motorcycles and practical engine study with Skuld's obvious techno-logic genius, yeah, that's terrifying.
Peorth: I think that Keiichi would be forced out of university for having too many little ones to take care of. What else could I say.... ? Love is in the air!
Rind: For some reason, I'm imagining something to do with Sparta! I don't understand why...
Taking just a peek at some of the possibilities:
Urd: Keiichi would become an alcoholic.
Skuld: I honestly don't see this one happening, simply because Skuld is so young when Keiichi first meets her, but just going with the prank, I'd say that Keiichi and Skuld might actually make a terrifyingly awesome tech team. With combining Keiichi's love of motorcycles and practical engine study with Skuld's obvious techno-logic genius, yeah, that's terrifying.
Peorth: I think that Keiichi would be forced out of university for having too many little ones to take care of. What else could I say.... ? Love is in the air!
Rind: For some reason, I'm imagining something to do with Sparta! I don't understand why...
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya / The Haruhi Dance
Last post by Senkusha - Friday, February 14, 2025, 20:44There is absolutely no excuse to not learn this incredibly popular dance! There's even several YouTube videos demonstrating how to do the Haruhi Dance. So let's get to it and learn it already!
Ranma 1/2 / The Effects of Aging
Last post by Senkusha - Friday, February 14, 2025, 20:40So we know Ranma turns into this cute red-headed pig-tailed girl when dumped with cold water. I wonder, how aging would affect this transformation. Would the transformation of the girl also age with Ranma's physical age, or since the Red-head drowned when she was 15, would that form forever remain as a 15 year old girl?
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha / Fate the Powerhouse!
Last post by Senkusha - Friday, February 14, 2025, 20:36We know from the movies that Percia was very rushed with Fate's magical training. This is why Fate concentrated on speed and agility and a very select number of magical spells and attacks. She didn't really have the luxury of time to dedicate toward learning new techniques and other realms of magical aptitude.
But just consider for a moment just how powerful Fate could have become, had she been afforded the quality amount of time to dedicate toward a true study of the magical arts. Granted, Fate is a quick thinker as well as being lightning fast physically. That's part of what defines her as an overall character, almost like as if she were a trope. She's the fast girl. But she has a number of other qualities that are often overlooked or simply forgotten about.
She's smart. Like wicked smart. It seems the only subject in school she has trouble with is Language (I believe it's Japanese, referred to in one of the manga. Fate is also highly compassionate. This is identified in the movie Reflection (I believe). Of course, we can't forget the sheer amount of determination and willpower Fate possesses. Again, this is referenced in Detonation or Reflection, but also in the seemingly daily pursuits in the TV series against whichever foes she's battling. Fate just keeps standing back up, ready for more.
If she were able to fully concentrate on other aspects of magic, I believe that Fate Testarossa would be literally an unstoppable mage in the Nanoha Universe.
But just consider for a moment just how powerful Fate could have become, had she been afforded the quality amount of time to dedicate toward a true study of the magical arts. Granted, Fate is a quick thinker as well as being lightning fast physically. That's part of what defines her as an overall character, almost like as if she were a trope. She's the fast girl. But she has a number of other qualities that are often overlooked or simply forgotten about.
She's smart. Like wicked smart. It seems the only subject in school she has trouble with is Language (I believe it's Japanese, referred to in one of the manga. Fate is also highly compassionate. This is identified in the movie Reflection (I believe). Of course, we can't forget the sheer amount of determination and willpower Fate possesses. Again, this is referenced in Detonation or Reflection, but also in the seemingly daily pursuits in the TV series against whichever foes she's battling. Fate just keeps standing back up, ready for more.
If she were able to fully concentrate on other aspects of magic, I believe that Fate Testarossa would be literally an unstoppable mage in the Nanoha Universe.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha / Technology-Age Inverse Curve
Last post by Senkusha - Friday, February 14, 2025, 20:28It has occurred to me that many of the main characters in this series are quite young. Much too young to be flinging around scythes and magical artillery cannons, or commuting through inter-dimentional space and time. Or, is it that in this reality that magic of this magnitude is rare, and must be nurtured carefully, which is why so many of the characters tend to be preadolescent?
I mean, I get that this is a Coming of Age story. Nanoha and Fate are both like nine years old when we're first introduced to them. Hayate is only eight I think. There's also the Knights, and Vita, who is also quite young, and here she is flinging around a sledgehammer of sorts! Oh, and let's not forget that Hayate has the magical equivalent of a nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile! And for the official organization of Justice, the Time and Space Administration Bureau, Chrono is what 12 or 14? And he's an officially recognized Enforcer, like an FBI agent or something! And Lindy Harlaown, commanding officer of the Arthra is an Admiral and she's only in 30s, right?
That kind of makes me think about the life expectancy of these people. Obviously mage work can be very dangerous. But my observations of the series seem to result in a very low number of elderly people, or at least middle aged adults! And to think that this is a highly developed society on a technological level. Maybe technology does bring about boredom at a young age?
I mean, I get that this is a Coming of Age story. Nanoha and Fate are both like nine years old when we're first introduced to them. Hayate is only eight I think. There's also the Knights, and Vita, who is also quite young, and here she is flinging around a sledgehammer of sorts! Oh, and let's not forget that Hayate has the magical equivalent of a nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile! And for the official organization of Justice, the Time and Space Administration Bureau, Chrono is what 12 or 14? And he's an officially recognized Enforcer, like an FBI agent or something! And Lindy Harlaown, commanding officer of the Arthra is an Admiral and she's only in 30s, right?
That kind of makes me think about the life expectancy of these people. Obviously mage work can be very dangerous. But my observations of the series seem to result in a very low number of elderly people, or at least middle aged adults! And to think that this is a highly developed society on a technological level. Maybe technology does bring about boredom at a young age?
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha / Alicia Had a Father
Last post by Senkusha - Friday, February 14, 2025, 20:15I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm assuming that Percia, you know, Fate's mother, had found a romantic interest at some point in her life, and thus Alicia was born, a normal humanoid girl, but obviously with some sort of magical potential, right? I mean Fate has magical potential and is a biological copy of Alicia, so I'm just connecting dots here.
So that got me to wondering, who was he? We know that Percia's personality dramatically changed when she lost Alicia in whatever accident happened. Why didn't he stick around to help raise this little girl? Was he one of those deadbeat dad kinda guys who disappear whenever his beloved becomes pregnant? Or was it something more tragic that occurred, like a different accident? Boy, that would really turn somebody down the psychopathic road, wouldn't it. First your boyfriend / husband, then your daughter, the only living reminder of your beloved still left in your life, both die, and are snatched away from your loving embrace?
Did he leave maybe for another reason, like a lack of love on Percia's part? We know that Percia was deeply committed to her work, and maybe she was so obsessed with it that she ignored her romantic partner, so he left. Or did that happen because he left her, and so she became a workaholic, as a coping mechanism?
And this leads to probably the ultimate question: If he had remained by Percia's side, that means that Alicia wouldn't have died in the first place, thus preventing the creation of Project FATE at all, and of course, then Fate wouldn't have been born, and then she wouldn't have been on a mission to find the Jewel Seeds, nor would she have met Nanoha, and now the entire story has just become unraveled! Great job!
So that got me to wondering, who was he? We know that Percia's personality dramatically changed when she lost Alicia in whatever accident happened. Why didn't he stick around to help raise this little girl? Was he one of those deadbeat dad kinda guys who disappear whenever his beloved becomes pregnant? Or was it something more tragic that occurred, like a different accident? Boy, that would really turn somebody down the psychopathic road, wouldn't it. First your boyfriend / husband, then your daughter, the only living reminder of your beloved still left in your life, both die, and are snatched away from your loving embrace?
Did he leave maybe for another reason, like a lack of love on Percia's part? We know that Percia was deeply committed to her work, and maybe she was so obsessed with it that she ignored her romantic partner, so he left. Or did that happen because he left her, and so she became a workaholic, as a coping mechanism?
And this leads to probably the ultimate question: If he had remained by Percia's side, that means that Alicia wouldn't have died in the first place, thus preventing the creation of Project FATE at all, and of course, then Fate wouldn't have been born, and then she wouldn't have been on a mission to find the Jewel Seeds, nor would she have met Nanoha, and now the entire story has just become unraveled! Great job!

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha / In the Wrong Place at the Wron...
Last post by Senkusha - Friday, February 14, 2025, 20:05In episodes nine and ten in A's, how did Nanoha's two friends Arisa and Suzuka get trapped inside the Barrier when the Book of Darkness was fighting Nanoha and Fate? They aren't mages, or at least identified as any sort of mages, so why would they remain in a Barrier, when all other moral beings, and some property, like cars vanish. Did I miss something somewhere?
Skuld's Software Sanctuary / PPSSPP (PSP Emulator)
Last post by Senkusha - Friday, February 14, 2025, 14:59There's a few games that I've found that were originally created for the PSP (PlayStation Portable), and in order to play these games you need to have an emulator. One application that I have on my Android is PPSSPP, a fantastic program that allows me to play these games (even though I've never owned an actual PSP). I'm linking to the site where the PPSSPP can be found instead of uploading it because they're always updating the software. Note that you can play on PC or your Android phone!
PPSSPP Homepage
PPSSPP Homepage
Ah! My Goddess / If You Had One Wish...
Last post by Senkusha - Friday, February 14, 2025, 14:30It's well known that as a Goddess First Class, Unlimited License, Belldandy, can grant any wish that System Force approves. So, if you somehow managed to dial the wrong number while ordering take out, what would your ultimate wish be?
As for me, this is something I must thing about hard. I've had the fortunate (or unfortunate blessings) of having many of my desires manifesting in reality. I see this as I continue to age, to gain wisdom. Sometimes, wishes that are made, don't truly seem like what we've envisioned until many years later. You know what's said: "Hindsight is always 20/20".
In the past, say prior to 2020, I would have wished for many things. Things that were taught to me as part of the American Dream. The very definition of success: More wealth. Perhaps to be in a loving relationship. To land that dream job (when I figure this out, I'll let you know too). But there were many other desires that I've had when I was younger. For example, to be more feminine. To be liked more.
But today, as I sit here, aching in pain, suffering in mental anguish, dreading the futuristic outlook of not only my prosperity, but that of most Americans, I think I would with for something that's as common as sand: Peace.
I'm exhausted of all the drama, the chaos that living people have to suffer through, just because a few men don't feel privileged enough, their lust hasn't been satisfied enough-- not that it ever will be. That's the problem with Lust, by definition, it's insatiable! (And no, it doesn't always have a sexual connotation.)
We're literally watching history repeat itself with the rise of Fascism. There are Nazi's walking around in broad daylight, giving off Roman Salutes like Chef's Kisses, as if it's no big deal. People are being stripped of their Rights, of privileges, just because of something as silly as the tone of their skin. The price of everything is continuing to skyrocket, because wealthy corporate executives need to have their portfolios increase with Record Profits. I fear that later this year, The United States, and perhaps the rest of the world will experience the start of another Great Depression. Do you know what triggered the first one? People assumed that the value of the Stock Market would continue to increase. Much like how investors pretty much lobbied the United States Government to legislate that corporations must increase their profits. This is the same thing as 1928-1929. But a different group of people will be the cause of the problem. Unfortunately, everybody will be affected by this financial implosion.
Anyway, I've gotten off topic. My wish would be Peace, and failing that, what about a hot alien girl friend would take me away on some amazing galactic adventure! What would your wish be, if it could be anything in the Universe?
As for me, this is something I must thing about hard. I've had the fortunate (or unfortunate blessings) of having many of my desires manifesting in reality. I see this as I continue to age, to gain wisdom. Sometimes, wishes that are made, don't truly seem like what we've envisioned until many years later. You know what's said: "Hindsight is always 20/20".
In the past, say prior to 2020, I would have wished for many things. Things that were taught to me as part of the American Dream. The very definition of success: More wealth. Perhaps to be in a loving relationship. To land that dream job (when I figure this out, I'll let you know too). But there were many other desires that I've had when I was younger. For example, to be more feminine. To be liked more.
But today, as I sit here, aching in pain, suffering in mental anguish, dreading the futuristic outlook of not only my prosperity, but that of most Americans, I think I would with for something that's as common as sand: Peace.
I'm exhausted of all the drama, the chaos that living people have to suffer through, just because a few men don't feel privileged enough, their lust hasn't been satisfied enough-- not that it ever will be. That's the problem with Lust, by definition, it's insatiable! (And no, it doesn't always have a sexual connotation.)
We're literally watching history repeat itself with the rise of Fascism. There are Nazi's walking around in broad daylight, giving off Roman Salutes like Chef's Kisses, as if it's no big deal. People are being stripped of their Rights, of privileges, just because of something as silly as the tone of their skin. The price of everything is continuing to skyrocket, because wealthy corporate executives need to have their portfolios increase with Record Profits. I fear that later this year, The United States, and perhaps the rest of the world will experience the start of another Great Depression. Do you know what triggered the first one? People assumed that the value of the Stock Market would continue to increase. Much like how investors pretty much lobbied the United States Government to legislate that corporations must increase their profits. This is the same thing as 1928-1929. But a different group of people will be the cause of the problem. Unfortunately, everybody will be affected by this financial implosion.
Anyway, I've gotten off topic. My wish would be Peace, and failing that, what about a hot alien girl friend would take me away on some amazing galactic adventure! What would your wish be, if it could be anything in the Universe?