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Here Comes the Bride... I mean, Senkusha, the Goddess, Duh!

Started by Senkusha, Friday, January 24, 2025, 20:44

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Anime Goddess
Posts: 74
Life's an Adventure. Go LIVE it!
Location: Boston, MA, ASS

Total Badges: 14
Hi everybody!  It's great to be here tonight.  I've got an entire show planned out for all ya and --

Yeah, yeah.  Nobody cares about any of that showbiz crap anymore.  So, what you're going to want to do, first thing after registering for an account, is to make an introduction post.  This has a number of benefits for you, me, the entire community (even if I'm only just shouting at myself right now.)

  • You get to familiarize yourself with the website functionality.
  • You might get to break something, and here the Almighty Goddess herself shrieking profanity from afar!
  • Members get to learn something about you, keep reading, we'll prod you for some answers.
  • Eventually, you might earn some Shop Points, if and when the Site Administrator figures out what in the hell she wants to sell people.
  • Typing practice?
  • And you get one post closer toward reaching the next member group level, and that will give you additional benefits here on the site!

So what should you say about yourself?  My answer to this would include whatever you normally tell random strangers you meet on the street.  You could include a detailed physical description, if you really feel inclined, but that would only be helpful to the Police if you were to ever go missing.  Then your Interwebs buddies will be able to join the search to find you!  But, let's create a standardized list so that everybody will be on the same page, because honestly, I don't think anybody really wants to know what you do with your spare change.

  • How did you get your screen name? 
  • What inspired it? 
  • How long have you had it?
  • Tell us about your avatar?
  • What anime do you prefer to watch?
  • Do you know any role playing systems that we haven't mentioned here in the Kawaii Klub?
  • What's your favorite role playing game?
  • Do you have a memorable role playing experience?
  • What's your favorite color?  (I know, totally random, but I'm grasping at straws here...)
  • If you could be anybody in the Universe, fictional or factual, who would you choose to be?
  • What other hobbies do you enjoy doing?
  • Are you employed, and if so, what do you do?

So, now I'm going to introduce myself, as an example.

I typically go by one of a few different names online.  I've had Senkusha since 2003, when I first began my adventures with website community forums.  My love of anime and Japanese culture lead me to choose the screen name Senkusha, which means pioneer in Japanese.  This was compounded by the fact that my favorite song at the time was the Tenchi Muyo! Opening theme, I'm a Pioneer!.  It was so much a favorite, that even as a late 20-something year-old, I memorized all the lyrics and would spontaneously start singing whenever I got excited.  Ah, youth.  Those were fond times.

My avatar is a young mage, Fate Testarossa, from the anime Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha.  She's in fact, the antagonist beginning in the series, however, by the end of the first season, she befriends Nanoha and the two girls become the best of friends.  Fate is somebody who is very dear to me.  She and I share many common things, such as our unyielding determination, kindness, and we're both lesbian-- a nice extra bonus there.  But also some not so pleasant things, such as the abuse both of us endured as children.  Mothers torn away from us at tender ages, and our social anxiety that we both wrestle with.  I relate so closely with Fate, that I would love to experience her life, even if it were only for just one day.  Besides, it'd be bitchin' awesome to throw lighting around, wouldn't it?

I would have to say that my favorite role playing game is Big Eyes Small Mouth, either second or third edition.  I prefer the roll under mechanic the second edition uses, however, I like the flexibility and customization that the third edition introduced.  I would say Shadow Run fourth edition would come as a close second, only because of the extreme options granted for character generation and how easy it is to define a mission (from a game master's point of view).  However, I truly dislike dice pool mechanics.  Way too many dice to keep track of--and to loose!  One of the most recent additions to my library has been the sixth edition of the Hero System as well as GURPS 5th edition, I think?  I'll have to look.  It's been a minute since I've had a quiet moment to crack open a book.

My most memorable role playing experience was the time the small group of friends were showing a newbie Shadow Run.  While we were playing, he was flipping through the rule book, and just started cracking up laughing.  I mean hard.  So hard, he was turning blue!  We were genuinely concerned for his well-being and paused the game while his laughter thundered through the halls of the building we were playing in.  Finally after about ten minutes, he finally regained his composure and pointed at what he had found so amusing.  On one of the pages throughout the expansion books, you'll see a pneumatic penis as a cybernetic addition!  Someday, when I have some free time, I'll have to find it just for a laugh.  (Yup, I can be a pervert, if the setting calls for it.  All in good fun though.)

My favorite color is pink.  Specifically carnation pink.  That middle, vibrant type of pink.

My other hobbies include writing.  It could be creative fiction, or maybe computer code.  I really enjoy writing, and communicating in written form.  I also enjoy cooking and some baking.  I love to perform food alchemy!  I love watching people enjoy something that I've put my heart into.  I also enjoy eating too, by the way!  Someday, I'll get back int drawing, or maybe computer game design. I've got a beast of a computer with Unreal Engine 5 on it, but sadly, I don't have enough free time during my packed weekends to delve into that creative process.  I used to enjoy driving and traveling, but not so much anymore.  It's too expensive and I've found as I get older, my body doesn't like unfamiliar settings too much.  Many years ago, I was involved in the radio community.  I had both a CB radio and my amateur radio license, but my heart just wasn't into audio communication.

Finally, yes, I am employed.  I work as a supervisor in a wholesale food warehouse, along with filling in on cashier duty from time to time when it's busy and we're short staffed.  Although, I'd prefer to do something in an office setting.  I'm highly organized, and would rather prefer to sit down throughout the day as opposed to standing all day.  But I guess moving around all day keeps me fairly well fit.  Maybe I'll eventually move back into I.T. and do software support again.  That was a fun job, solving problems all day and getting my mind dirty looking at code too.  Ah, the good ole days...
Pioneering the bizarre forfreakingever...