9 Guests, 1 User

Let's Create a New Post

Started by Senkusha, Friday, January 24, 2025, 20:24

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Anime Goddess
Posts: 74
Life's an Adventure. Go LIVE it!
Location: Boston, MA, ASS

Total Badges: 14
Okay, so you're eager to begin burning up your keyboard?  Ya got lots of stuff to write, and don't wanna be bother with anything complicated.  I gotchyu!

For any board that you have access to post in, you just click on New Topic, or if you're already in a message post and want to reply, click on Reply.  It's that's easy!
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2025-01-24 20_21_11-How to Register for a Membership — Mozilla Firefox.png
Then you can type to your heart's content!  And because we're a role playing forum, you won't have to worry about running into a character limit... unless you type more than 65,000 characters, then I'd suggest breaking up your novel into more byte sized chucks, or perhaps you just have way too many people in your story.  (There's a joke there...)
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I will be increasing the file attachment thresholds as soon as I find the setting again.  Trust me, okay?  Anyway, until we meet again, have fun!
Pioneering the bizarre forfreakingever...